Hai bloggers!!
How u doooooin? - Joey from friends style! lols
So yes its been a pretty busy few days. today was the first day in a while that i was able to just relax in the flat doing absolutely nothing at all!
My day consisted of food, snuggle on the sofa with my boyfriend and a sausage sandwich watching The mentalist, played on God of war 1 on the PS2 for a few frustrating hours, had a bath....and that's about it i think!
It was great!
I know i know it was sunny outside and blah blah blah but i had been out in the sunshine, i done my bit of catching the UV rays, today God rested (aka me!!).
So yeah on Saturday, Tags birthday eve i attempted to make a birthday cake for him before we had to go into Cardiff to have food before going to see SPAMALOT!!! i only had about 4 hours. Anyway to cut a long story short it was a disaster. well the cake just never stopped rising, i shouldve followed the recipe but no i thought i was being clever and i basically wasn't, i was silly. I am a dab hand in making cupcakes so i thought a cake is just a larger version of a cupcake isn't it?! ah well maybe next time.......
Anyway apparently the cake was nice, the icing made it i was assured ( i had literally smothered the cake in icing!!). if it tasted good and people are still alive then its all good! hehe
So because of my panic related disaster we wouldn't have had time to have baths and then go for food before the show so we decided to go for food afterwards.
Here is a picture of us all smarted up to go see Spamalot in the Millennium stadium, Cardiff:

And here is how close we were near the stage:

We were in the second row!!!! And oh my friggin GOD of all things bright and beautiful was it good, amazing, awesome, brilliant, spectacular and all other awesome words i cant come up with now because every time i speak of this show all the words in my head seem to disappear and silent awedness comes out.
It was definitely one of the most amazing thing i had ever seen in my short life! My face, hands and throat was hurting so much by the end of the night because of the laughter, cheers and clapping that happened in that two hours - finished so soon, i wanted to see it again instantly after it finished! i hope i do!
Then to capitalize on an already awesome night, we went to GBK (there are other restaurants but we chose this one) for a nice big burger and a glass of Rose for me!!!
In the morning Thomas regaled at his many many presents and his birthday cake before we met up with our friends in Cardiff for a spot of shopping and to go see SCOTT PILGRIM in the cinema- which was also the awesomeness of aw some! - and then we went to Wagamammas for some noodles before sitting on the sofa at home in pajamas with a few glasses of champagne! awesome day as well i think!
But no the festivities didn't end there! we went to Cardiff with Thomas' mum intending to go see Toy story 3 again but everyone else had the same idea on a bank holiday Monday so we ended up staying at the bay where there was a food festival going on - I got Chips on a stick!!!! it was awesome.....wish i had taken a pic though....
It was really good as there was all these different nationalities presenting their national dishes and they were all really nice, i didn't get to try the hog roast or the Ostrich burger though....
WASPS!!!!!! They were Everywhere that day! intending to kill me whilst i was having fun in the blazing sunshine revelling on chips on a stick (yes Chips on a stick!!!). Damn them! damn them all to heck!!
They caused me to have a pa nick attack and a mental breakdown at the place we were having food.....one minute i was staring intently at one irritating a guy at the other table and the next i was sobbing, snorting sobbing onto TAGs shoulder....i couldn't breathe and i was shaking so much. i felt ashamed and embarrassed and horrified at what i had just done. Frikin hate them!
Next day on our travells we met up with Big tom and HB Sauce in Cardiff for Sushi!! it was the first time me and Tag tried it, we don't particularly like fish, never mind the raw kind u see but we went to try. We mostly got noodles and chicken! but we did try a sushi with chicken in it, tag liked it better than i did but i liked it all the same. and i chose the pudding - it was colourful! but it was weird....say no more.....
And so now do u see why we needed a good day of just slobbering around doing nothing? we deserve it don't we??
Uni starts back in a few short weeks!!! YAY!! cant wait to decorate my room!
Loves =^.^=