Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Oily breasts and a bit of soup, delightful manga and a mac book pro!

Hello there!!

So sorry i havent written in a while, it seems to be a habit coming! Bad Elena!! Anyway i do have good excuses and its been a very very busy weeks but onwards and upwards, sideways and horizontalways!

So yes Oily breasts (calm down Ajax!) (hehe! XD). On the way from the lovely town of Shrewsbury where thers wonderfully, gorjus, magnificent houses and cottages filled with driveways covering these beautyful houses we went to Ross-on-wye (another gorjus place). obviously being the amazing writers we are we went to a book shop called Rossiter books (cheques in the post please!) and we found an amazing cook book called: The ultimate WAGAMAMMAS cook book!!! I know how awsome is that!? So we decided to buy it.
I had had an idea since like ages to do a blog or video blog of me or me and tag going through a cook book and trying these dishes and so i thought that this book would be great because we love wagamammas and it would be fun too!

It was aswell! the video will be posted on youtube as soon as Tag edits it on his new MAC BOOK PRO people!! yes he has finally got it! and its all new and shiny and cool.....i want one now.....but then again it wouldnt be purple.....it wouldnt overheat though....grrrr.....i would probably be able to play sims too....money....hmm.....but i have figured out why my laptop keeps overheating and you know why it is?! coz thers probably dust in the fan so tom is going to open it up for me and sort it out! Hopefully! PLEASE let it work!

Plus Tag got a new and improved ipod touch so i get the old one! yey! Now i can have apps to play with all to myself! XD

So yes anyways the video will be posted on My Site or TAG's Site and it will feature me and him attempting to cook our first dish which is Chicken Ramen! XD It was very nice too!

So yes we went to places and found an AWSOME comic book store in Shrews and it was just awsome awsomeness! i got manga! yes peeps i wanted to broaden my horizons and i wanted something different so i got one called Chibi Vampire!

Its awsome! I finished it in a day! and then i got Fruits basket which im still reading and its okay i suppose but not as good. I think its too girly girly for me - i like the prospect of it but i dunno it hasnt gripped me like Chibi Vampire did. neva mind ill stick with it though!

So yes its one of my best friends birthday on saturday! YAY! so were coming up for that and then i dunno coz then its my birthday!! hint hint! remember its on the 16th of July and it will be a glorious day! possibly maybe....! YAY! ITS MY BIRTHDAY SOON!! i love my birthday even though im going to be 20! waw thats scary! me? a person that still looks like shes about thirteen okay possibly a 15 year old now but still!

Anyway back to charlies birthday! its gonna be on the beach so im excited for that and shes invited TAG seeing as their friends and he has been accepted haha so yea i hope she has an amazing day as she deserves it! XD (Hi Ajax hint hint!)

DOCTOR WHO!!!!! OH EM GEE!!! bloody amazing! truly teh best TV show ever!!! XD I do miss the tennant as the doctor though but well done to mister Matt smith brilliant!! I be looking forward to the xmas special! XD

I'll let you know when the vids are up!

ta ta for now!

Saturday, 19 June 2010


Hey sorry i havent written in a while. a lot has been happening!

Sad news and a lot of moving things from one side of the country to the next and from the car to the flat and it was all so tireing and sweaty and hot and stressful coz of all the crap we had.
But finally we are in our new flat! XD
Weve had our first night where we had loads of chinese food with a glass of wine and watched Julie and Julia. which was a brill film! i really liked it and not because of the fact that Julie and her husband basically resembles me and Tag (as the guy quoted Douglas Adams and the woman cant finish stuff and worries). it was a joy to watch!
It made me want to do the same even more, i want to get a cook book then make the recipies and then either do a video blog or write on this! I like to cook-its great when that someone eats what youve created and they love it XD

Today, the first day in our flat, we had a Lost fest. as i have only seen season 1 and Tag is such a big fan and has all the dvds Tag decided to educate me in the Lost world. As i watched it i could remember some bits and remember when i had watched it before when it aired on tv before i was wrenched from the Sky tv when my mum and dad split up.....sad sad i know but there we are! I turned out fine.....ish!

So that was great fun but we did stop to make food - pasta (of course!) with sausage and tomato and chilli and garlic sauce (yum) - and that was lovely as we cried with laughter at the people falling over on total wipeout. The we watched the greatness that is Doctor Who.


that is all on that i think.....

Oh ie Haia Llinos!!!! gobeithio t n darllan! Caru chdi lots a lots a lots! ( if anyone else is reading this and want to have a mention just ask XD) lols

I really like being in the flat! XD


Friday, 11 June 2010


Heliw fellow bloggers!
How are you?
I am currently very happy because of a lot of things really.

Number 1: i got really good marks on my writing! i am so proud of myself for getting such high marks and that the marks i lost were only small picky things. I am on the way to a first! haha i dunno, i think I'm getting more confident in my writing now though. i need to sit and think and just write and write down some more ideas down just to have a look at. Also do something different. i want to start to practice writing short stories so that ill be able to do lots for next years course-i might actually get a story in then!

Number 2: I still cant believe me and tag are getting a flat together-i know its only for the summer like i said before but its like a trial run sort of thing hahaha! i dunno I'm just really looking forward to waking up to him and us just being somewhere together and be able to just lounge about without someone else being there too. it'l just be us! TV fests here we come!

Number 3: Finally just coz i am lucky to have someone like Tom-he puts up with so much and he loves me for who i am, that's all a girl could ask for! *sop story over sorry*

Number 4: Chinese food is goooooooooooooooooooooooood! XD

Thought I'd just throw that in there!

Most of the flat are breaking up for the summer tomorrow so itl only be us couples in the flat for another week before we disappear ourselves. Itl be weird leaving here after we've lived here for about a year ish. We've got loads of memories here and it will be sad having to leave it and go into another flat next year. We should be allowed to keep our flats-it isn't fair to be honest.

i am glad they were and people weren't just being nice either (i checked!) i want to make better ones next time. Also i cant wait to get to the flat so me and tom can go through this 200 pasta recipes book and cook the ones we want! i love to experiment with cooking - its more fun with someone else though!

I really Wish Tom would get his mac right now, its really irritating him that he cant really edit. he might come round if i just nudge him a bit more (hint,hint!) he would be so much happier!

Okay sorry Big Tom for not being arsed to think of a question but here it is a new question for you!

If you had two tickets to go into space and land on the moon or mars or wherever, who and what would you take with you and why?

That is all from me and from me a goodnight!

Much loves to you all <3>

Thursday, 10 June 2010


Uni marks are in and i am happy!

I am so incredibly happy about my marks for my creative writing! it is either 67 or 68 im not that sure but still they are brilliant marks!
i have never had such brilliant marks before - i was always the avarage one and so you can see why i am so happy! XD


I made some for the first time yesterday and they turned out brilliantly-i shall put pics up soon.
But people seemed to like them so i will make another attempt and make them even bigger and better so watch this space!!

YAY! this is a good day!

p.s i was going to say to Big Toms question about what fruit-that it was a bit too late for me to be a cherry so that was out of the window any way i am glad he said a new question.
Which celeb would play me in a film about my life? hmm God knows - it would haveto be someone tiny maybe Emma Roberts? or someone else im not really sure but all i can say is good luck to them (and the person to play Tom would deffo be either Adam Brody or Joseph Gordon-levitt or someone like that!). Who would be you?

Monday, 7 June 2010

What super power?

After Big Tom put that question out there i thought i would reply.

I dont really know what kind of super power i want. id want loads of different ones.

1.psychic ability
5.command the elements
6.read minds

i kind of like that idea of us all born with a superpower - itd be great. thing is it would be a super special power then would it?it would be just common knowledge and it would cause so much trouble i guess.

The question i have for you is, if you had a constant companion (like in Philip pullman's His Dark Materials - the deamons that your born with that have to be the oppasite gender than you) What kind of animal would you have and what would be its name?


A Flat!!!!!

ME and the lovely little Tom are getting a flat!! A flat!!! i mean i know its for the summer but hey cant a girl get a little bit excited about little things?
we went to see it this weekend and we were shocked at how huge and brilliant it was! we get it from his nan for only £30 a week that's £15 of your English pounds each a week for us! how awesome is that?!
Now i am happy, wouldn't you be happy too? but i was quite put down by some of my friends from home, they were accusing me of not seeing them in the summer if i have a flat down here!! cant they just be happy that i am happy for once and that i have a life outside of them and its not that i don't want to go and see them, i do of course i do, but its a bit of a disappointment that their thinking of themselves and not like saying congrats or watever. Its always about them!
The only reason were getting this flat is that we can have a place in the summer just to ourselves. After being in Uni you kinda get used to just doing what you want to do and having no one to tell you No but then in the summer you go back to that and you feel lost and irritated, so people get on your nerves when you just want to do your own thing. And Tags mum irritates him thus irritates me coz hes moody so its not the best place to be.

I just want a place where i can wake up with him next to me and walk around in pants or whatever and not have to think if his mum is in and feeling like Ive go to look ok. there's nothing of my own there so i don't feel at home in a way. Also so that me and him can slob out in the living room watching shit on the TV with a glass of wine and be able to relax. Without tag having to rush out of bed in the morning because his mum tells him he has loads of chores to do.


Rant over.......

I got Sims 3 Ambitions!!!!!!!!!!!!! The special Edition too!

To be able to do Laundry has never excited me more than now! they have washing machines and dryers and they can hang the clothes on the clothes line!! OH EM GEE!!!

If only my laptop will stop over heating after about an hour of playing it!

the only question i have at this moment is why do i feel guilty for wanting to move on and do what i want to do?

hmmmm ponder ponder!

I Love Cherries!

Thank you Big Tom!!!

As i said in the title i LOVE Cherries! i do! i think they are one of the best fruits out there, Don't you think? What's your take on Cherries? do you or do you not like them, that is the true question?

Apparently Big Tom does not like cherries neither does the little one.....weird (sorry but you are).

cherries, cherries, cherries, cherries, cherries!

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Ice Creams and doughnuts on a sunny day!

This is my day.

We were our usual bored selves this morning, wondering what we should do with our lives now that University has finished for another year. I love it when it is sunny! i'm like a flower i bloom when the sun is out-i want to be outside in it as we dont get much sun and so i was quite happy and glas that Tag blurted out over our sausage sandwitches - 'Let's go to get Ice creams!' - wich is a surprise in itself as he usually prefers to be inside and play xbox all day and then i have to tease him off it to go out somewhere when its nice and sunny!

I was a happy bunny!

unfotunatly i didnt anticipate how hot it was going to be. i was wearing a vest and an over shirt and skinny jeans with flip flops. it was quite hot but bearable, i would have prefered to wear my shorts though.

So we assembled the unusal small group of our flatmates and walked down to town. i wanted to go to New Look and to check out the new River Island. we spent quite a long time in New look-to the horror of the men- as i couldnt decide to get a lovely new yellow dress or not, Tag made me buy it and i got it for a £10 which isnt bad for New Look! XD

Then we finally went towards the ice cream- popped into Waterstones to show our eager 'we-want-to-work-here' faces and a few feet away from thorntons ice cream we stopped to get doughnuts!!! And then finally we got our ice creams-what we had set out to do in the first place but got side tracked a bit.

It was very very hot! I couldnt believe how hot it was!

I cant delete pictures on this and cant move them! aaaaaaaa! this is very annoying and very confusing!

We are now sitting in the front room trying to watch a film but theyre not that great!


Oh Hai, its you!

This is me! Just a small package of insanity
and Love!

So yes this is my first blog! Wehey!
This blog will be a mix of my feelings and worries and random rants that happen through my life and then it will include how my writings are going and what i have been thinking of what to do next. I hope you will enjoy!

I think i needed a place to rant and talk to my self about stuff. Life isnt that easy as a student you know! hehe.

Times are hard at the moment. My boyfriend is going through a tough time with his family and then were trying to sort out what were going to do this summer. We cant go long without missing each other, a month without him is total hell and i think it is with him aswell. Both of us are getting nagged by our mothers to get a summer job but his mum seems to be going about it the wrong way. i mean my mum just says that it would be best but then his mum rings him just about everyday with suggestions that he wouldnt even consider and then she just gets way over the top with it and it makes him irritated and moody. And i hate that!!! it gets me irritated and moody and two people in a relationship being moody isnt good!
Shes such a great woman though, bless her shes got her heart in the right place-but she doesnt need to ring him everyday now, he is 19 and in Uni he can sort stuff out himself!

See told you i can rant!

something quite funny has happened recently too. My best friend, lets call her Chaplin, came over for a few days to visit me in Uni and we had a great time. but then after she left my flatmate ajax revealed to me that he had a 'Sexy' dream about her and that he had written a poem in his sleep. which is very weird in itself - who can write in their sleep? i mean i do pretty normal in a weird kind of way stuff in my sleep but not write! - but him dreaming of a friend that i have had since i was 5 was quite disturbing and funny at the same time. Bless him- i think he would be great with her but she has a twat of a boyfriend of three years so i dont think he could go there to be honest. Her boyfriend isnt in my good books at the moment though so i think it mite be just hopeful thinking lol!

I need to stop worrying about menial things-like that my boyfriend would find a better girlfriend that he like better than me or that i cant really do anything special. i need to find my niche in life-but i do think i just suit a life of looking after people or making people happy. i want quite simple things from life. I want to go travelling, to loads of places but its like everything is related to how much money you have and i dont have much.

But there we are, things will be good in the end!

What i can say is that me and TAG will deffinatly have a fluffy ginger cat called Doris in the future-That i am almost certain of! ;)