So sorry i havent written in a while, it seems to be a habit coming! Bad Elena!! Anyway i do have good excuses and its been a very very busy weeks but onwards and upwards, sideways and horizontalways!
So yes Oily breasts (calm down Ajax!) (hehe! XD). On the way from the lovely town of Shrewsbury where thers wonderfully, gorjus, magnificent houses and cottages filled with driveways covering these beautyful houses we went to Ross-on-wye (another gorjus place). obviously being the amazing writers we are we went to a book shop called Rossiter books (cheques in the post please!) and we found an amazing cook book called: The ultimate WAGAMAMMAS cook book!!! I know how awsome is that!? So we decided to buy it.
I had had an idea since like ages to do a blog or video blog of me or me and tag going through a cook book and trying these dishes and so i thought that this book would be great because we love wagamammas and it would be fun too!
It was aswell! the video will be posted on youtube as soon as Tag edits it on his new MAC BOOK PRO people!! yes he has finally got it! and its all new and shiny and cool.....i want one now.....but then again it wouldnt be wouldnt overheat though....grrrr.....i would probably be able to play sims i have figured out why my laptop keeps overheating and you know why it is?! coz thers probably dust in the fan so tom is going to open it up for me and sort it out! Hopefully! PLEASE let it work!
Plus Tag got a new and improved ipod touch so i get the old one! yey! Now i can have apps to play with all to myself! XD
So yes anyways the video will be posted on My Site or TAG's Site and it will feature me and him attempting to cook our first dish which is Chicken Ramen! XD It was very nice too!
So yes we went to places and found an AWSOME comic book store in Shrews and it was just awsome awsomeness! i got manga! yes peeps i wanted to broaden my horizons and i wanted something different so i got one called Chibi Vampire!

Its awsome! I finished it in a day! and then i got Fruits basket which im still reading and its okay i suppose but not as good. I think its too girly girly for me - i like the prospect of it but i dunno it hasnt gripped me like Chibi Vampire did. neva mind ill stick with it though!
So yes its one of my best friends birthday on saturday! YAY! so were coming up for that and then i dunno coz then its my birthday!! hint hint! remember its on the 16th of July and it will be a glorious day! possibly maybe....! YAY! ITS MY BIRTHDAY SOON!! i love my birthday even though im going to be 20! waw thats scary! me? a person that still looks like shes about thirteen okay possibly a 15 year old now but still!
Anyway back to charlies birthday! its gonna be on the beach so im excited for that and shes invited TAG seeing as their friends and he has been accepted haha so yea i hope she has an amazing day as she deserves it! XD (Hi Ajax hint hint!)
DOCTOR WHO!!!!! OH EM GEE!!! bloody amazing! truly teh best TV show ever!!! XD I do miss the tennant as the doctor though but well done to mister Matt smith brilliant!! I be looking forward to the xmas special! XD
I'll let you know when the vids are up!
ta ta for now!