This is my day.
We were our usual bored selves this morning, wondering what we should do with our lives now that University has finished for another year. I love it when it is sunny! i'm like a flower i bloom when the sun is out-i want to be outside in it as we dont get much sun and so i was quite happy and glas that Tag blurted out over our sausage sandwitches - 'Let's go to get Ice creams!' - wich is a surprise in itself as he usually prefers to be inside and play xbox all day and then i have to tease him off it to go out somewhere when its nice and sunny!
I was a happy bunny!
unfotunatly i didnt anticipate how hot it was going to be. i was wearing a vest and an over shirt and skinny jeans with flip flops. it was quite hot but bearable, i would have prefered to wear my shorts though.
So we assembled the unusal small group of our flatmates and walked down to town. i wanted to go to New Look and to check out the new River Island. we spent quite a long time in New look-to the horror of the men- as i couldnt decide to get a lovely new yellow dress or not, Tag made me buy it and i got it for a £10 which isnt bad for New Look! XD
Then we finally went towards the ice cream- popped into Waterstones to show our eager 'we-want-to-work-here' faces and a few feet away from thorntons ice cream we stopped to get doughnuts!!! And then finally we got our ice creams-what we had set out to do in the first place but got side tracked a bit.
It was very very hot! I couldnt believe how hot it was!
I cant delete pictures on this and cant move them! aaaaaaaa! this is very annoying and very confusing!
We are now sitting in the front room trying to watch a film but theyre not that great!
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