How are you?
I am currently very happy because of a lot of things really.
Number 1: i got really good marks on my writing! i am so proud of myself for getting such high marks and that the marks i lost were only small picky things. I am on the way to a first! haha i dunno, i think I'm getting more confident in my writing now though. i need to sit and think and just write and write down some more ideas down just to have a look at. Also do something different. i want to start to practice writing short stories so that ill be able to do lots for next years course-i might actually get a story in then!
Number 2: I still cant believe me and tag are getting a flat together-i know its only for the summer like i said before but its like a trial run sort of thing hahaha! i dunno I'm just really looking forward to waking up to him and us just being somewhere together and be able to just lounge about without someone else being there too. it'l just be us! TV fests here we come!
Number 3: Finally just coz i am lucky to have someone like Tom-he puts up with so much and he loves me for who i am, that's all a girl could ask for! *sop story over sorry*
Number 4: Chinese food is goooooooooooooooooooooooood! XD
Thought I'd just throw that in there!
Most of the flat are breaking up for the summer tomorrow so itl only be us couples in the flat for another week before we disappear ourselves. Itl be weird leaving here after we've lived here for about a year ish. We've got loads of memories here and it will be sad having to leave it and go into another flat next year. We should be allowed to keep our flats-it isn't fair to be honest.
i am glad they were and people weren't just being nice either (i checked!) i want to make better ones next time. Also i cant wait to get to the flat so me and tom can go through this 200 pasta recipes book and cook the ones we want! i love to experiment with cooking - its more fun with someone else though!
I really Wish Tom would get his mac right now, its really irritating him that he cant really edit. he might come round if i just nudge him a bit more (hint,hint!) he would be so much happier!
Okay sorry Big Tom for not being arsed to think of a question but here it is a new question for you!
If you had two tickets to go into space and land on the moon or mars or wherever, who and what would you take with you and why?
That is all from me and from me a goodnight!
Much loves to you all <3>

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