I am sad and a little dissapointed to be honest with you. I shouldnt have gotten ahead of myself really but i really really wanted that job.
I didnt get the job in waterstones because there were other people who had more experience that they wanted out there. even though i said all the right things, i met the manager and made friends with the workers months before the interview and so i thought they would look past the havent worked before thing!
Why does everywhere do that? How can someone actually get that experience if no one would employ ones that havent worked before!?
Its not like ive tried! ive tried in so many places and they havent employed me because they cant be arsed to teach people. its seriously frustrating. Things were looking up, my dream was partly coming true when tom got the Game job and then i thought that i would get a job so then we would be able to afford to get the house we want after graduating.
But no of course i always screw things up, no matter how good of a person i am, no one wants to employ me. i have nothing to my name...
I wanted to have that chance to become an independant provider, to work to gather money so that me and Tom can properly start our lives together. i know that will happen anyways but i jsd want to be a part of something where i have the satisfaction when i buy things that i have earned it and that i am doing something with my life.
I want to be a publisher in the end, but i dont know if even thats possible....i dont want to be educated all day after Uni, i want to work and start off something new...i want to work and earn money so that me and Tom would live comfortably.
my certainty has gone out the window right now. i shouldnt have thought that things would actually go right for me.
I am just so grateful that i have my Thomas and at least i am loved and cared for, thats all that matters in the end.
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
OMG new hair!!
tra la la la la
Hai bloggers!!
How u doooooin? - Joey from friends style! lols
So yes its been a pretty busy few days. today was the first day in a while that i was able to just relax in the flat doing absolutely nothing at all!
My day consisted of food, snuggle on the sofa with my boyfriend and a sausage sandwich watching The mentalist, played on God of war 1 on the PS2 for a few frustrating hours, had a bath....and that's about it i think!
It was great!
I know i know it was sunny outside and blah blah blah but i had been out in the sunshine, i done my bit of catching the UV rays, today God rested (aka me!!).
So yeah on Saturday, Tags birthday eve i attempted to make a birthday cake for him before we had to go into Cardiff to have food before going to see SPAMALOT!!! i only had about 4 hours. Anyway to cut a long story short it was a disaster. well the cake just never stopped rising, i shouldve followed the recipe but no i thought i was being clever and i basically wasn't, i was silly. I am a dab hand in making cupcakes so i thought a cake is just a larger version of a cupcake isn't it?! ah well maybe next time.......
Anyway apparently the cake was nice, the icing made it i was assured ( i had literally smothered the cake in icing!!). if it tasted good and people are still alive then its all good! hehe
So because of my panic related disaster we wouldn't have had time to have baths and then go for food before the show so we decided to go for food afterwards.
Here is a picture of us all smarted up to go see Spamalot in the Millennium stadium, Cardiff:

And here is how close we were near the stage:

We were in the second row!!!! And oh my friggin GOD of all things bright and beautiful was it good, amazing, awesome, brilliant, spectacular and all other awesome words i cant come up with now because every time i speak of this show all the words in my head seem to disappear and silent awedness comes out.
It was definitely one of the most amazing thing i had ever seen in my short life! My face, hands and throat was hurting so much by the end of the night because of the laughter, cheers and clapping that happened in that two hours - finished so soon, i wanted to see it again instantly after it finished! i hope i do!
Then to capitalize on an already awesome night, we went to GBK (there are other restaurants but we chose this one) for a nice big burger and a glass of Rose for me!!!
In the morning Thomas regaled at his many many presents and his birthday cake before we met up with our friends in Cardiff for a spot of shopping and to go see SCOTT PILGRIM in the cinema- which was also the awesomeness of aw some! - and then we went to Wagamammas for some noodles before sitting on the sofa at home in pajamas with a few glasses of champagne! awesome day as well i think!
But no the festivities didn't end there! we went to Cardiff with Thomas' mum intending to go see Toy story 3 again but everyone else had the same idea on a bank holiday Monday so we ended up staying at the bay where there was a food festival going on - I got Chips on a stick!!!! it was awesome.....wish i had taken a pic though....
It was really good as there was all these different nationalities presenting their national dishes and they were all really nice, i didn't get to try the hog roast or the Ostrich burger though....
WASPS!!!!!! They were Everywhere that day! intending to kill me whilst i was having fun in the blazing sunshine revelling on chips on a stick (yes Chips on a stick!!!). Damn them! damn them all to heck!!
They caused me to have a pa nick attack and a mental breakdown at the place we were having food.....one minute i was staring intently at one irritating a guy at the other table and the next i was sobbing, snorting sobbing onto TAGs shoulder....i couldn't breathe and i was shaking so much. i felt ashamed and embarrassed and horrified at what i had just done. Frikin hate them!
Next day on our travells we met up with Big tom and HB Sauce in Cardiff for Sushi!! it was the first time me and Tag tried it, we don't particularly like fish, never mind the raw kind u see but we went to try. We mostly got noodles and chicken! but we did try a sushi with chicken in it, tag liked it better than i did but i liked it all the same. and i chose the pudding - it was colourful! but it was weird....say no more.....
And so now do u see why we needed a good day of just slobbering around doing nothing? we deserve it don't we??
Uni starts back in a few short weeks!!! YAY!! cant wait to decorate my room!
Loves =^.^=
How u doooooin? - Joey from friends style! lols
So yes its been a pretty busy few days. today was the first day in a while that i was able to just relax in the flat doing absolutely nothing at all!
My day consisted of food, snuggle on the sofa with my boyfriend and a sausage sandwich watching The mentalist, played on God of war 1 on the PS2 for a few frustrating hours, had a bath....and that's about it i think!
It was great!
I know i know it was sunny outside and blah blah blah but i had been out in the sunshine, i done my bit of catching the UV rays, today God rested (aka me!!).
So yeah on Saturday, Tags birthday eve i attempted to make a birthday cake for him before we had to go into Cardiff to have food before going to see SPAMALOT!!! i only had about 4 hours. Anyway to cut a long story short it was a disaster. well the cake just never stopped rising, i shouldve followed the recipe but no i thought i was being clever and i basically wasn't, i was silly. I am a dab hand in making cupcakes so i thought a cake is just a larger version of a cupcake isn't it?! ah well maybe next time.......
Anyway apparently the cake was nice, the icing made it i was assured ( i had literally smothered the cake in icing!!). if it tasted good and people are still alive then its all good! hehe
So because of my panic related disaster we wouldn't have had time to have baths and then go for food before the show so we decided to go for food afterwards.
Here is a picture of us all smarted up to go see Spamalot in the Millennium stadium, Cardiff:
And here is how close we were near the stage:
We were in the second row!!!! And oh my friggin GOD of all things bright and beautiful was it good, amazing, awesome, brilliant, spectacular and all other awesome words i cant come up with now because every time i speak of this show all the words in my head seem to disappear and silent awedness comes out.
It was definitely one of the most amazing thing i had ever seen in my short life! My face, hands and throat was hurting so much by the end of the night because of the laughter, cheers and clapping that happened in that two hours - finished so soon, i wanted to see it again instantly after it finished! i hope i do!
Then to capitalize on an already awesome night, we went to GBK (there are other restaurants but we chose this one) for a nice big burger and a glass of Rose for me!!!
In the morning Thomas regaled at his many many presents and his birthday cake before we met up with our friends in Cardiff for a spot of shopping and to go see SCOTT PILGRIM in the cinema- which was also the awesomeness of aw some! - and then we went to Wagamammas for some noodles before sitting on the sofa at home in pajamas with a few glasses of champagne! awesome day as well i think!
But no the festivities didn't end there! we went to Cardiff with Thomas' mum intending to go see Toy story 3 again but everyone else had the same idea on a bank holiday Monday so we ended up staying at the bay where there was a food festival going on - I got Chips on a stick!!!! it was awesome.....wish i had taken a pic though....
It was really good as there was all these different nationalities presenting their national dishes and they were all really nice, i didn't get to try the hog roast or the Ostrich burger though....
WASPS!!!!!! They were Everywhere that day! intending to kill me whilst i was having fun in the blazing sunshine revelling on chips on a stick (yes Chips on a stick!!!). Damn them! damn them all to heck!!
They caused me to have a pa nick attack and a mental breakdown at the place we were having food.....one minute i was staring intently at one irritating a guy at the other table and the next i was sobbing, snorting sobbing onto TAGs shoulder....i couldn't breathe and i was shaking so much. i felt ashamed and embarrassed and horrified at what i had just done. Frikin hate them!
Next day on our travells we met up with Big tom and HB Sauce in Cardiff for Sushi!! it was the first time me and Tag tried it, we don't particularly like fish, never mind the raw kind u see but we went to try. We mostly got noodles and chicken! but we did try a sushi with chicken in it, tag liked it better than i did but i liked it all the same. and i chose the pudding - it was colourful! but it was weird....say no more.....
And so now do u see why we needed a good day of just slobbering around doing nothing? we deserve it don't we??
Uni starts back in a few short weeks!!! YAY!! cant wait to decorate my room!
Loves =^.^=
bank holiday monday,
Food festival,
god of war,
the mentalist,
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Diolch yn fawr iawn Niti! (Thank you very much Niti!)
So yes i know its been a week since the lovely Niti challenged me to a game that she awarded me with. Thank you so much for your kind and suporting words XD
This is the challange:
'This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog’s content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant.
Some rules of the Game:
a) Show off your honesty by thanking the person who gave you the award and link to their post.
b) List 10 honest things about yourself.
c) Select 7 other bloggers you think deserve this award and pass it on to them.
d) Notify said bloggers about the award and invite them to be the honest ones
So here goes, 10 most personal things about me that will hopefully let you learn more about me or you will probs already know about. I dont make a habit of noting down weird stuff that i do, i just do them and not think about if its wrong or anything until someone points this out to me and then i get self concious and dont do it anymore. so ill try and find something to write about =^.^=
These are of no certain importance theyre just listed as they come to me!
1)I worry too much! Well i say that but i dont think i worry, it more that i think to much and so leads me to the land of worryness and frustrates my boyfriend to no end. Its just my brain seems to like picking out little things and then makes them explode into every part of my brain so then i can not stop thinking about it. Like a few weeks ago i started feeling ill for no apparent reason - so then my brain started panicking saying that i could be pregnant, and so this lead to me convincing my brain that i cant BE pregnant because ive taken every single precausion to prevent that situation, i had to calm MYSELF down. It makes me sound like a scary scrazy woman but its my vast imagination that likes to blow things out of proportion.
2) I like to please everyone. Im a people pleaser! I want everyone to be happy and so if i think theres going to be an argument or no ones having a good time then i would do anything in my power to make it better for them. I dont like it when someone is sad or angry else i would either emphasise with them or try to make them laugh at their situation or talk to them about it. If there was less sad, angry or hurtful people out there then this world would be a marginally better one.
3)I am a first language welsh tiny person! i am proud as the next welsh person that i am welsh but not to the point where i exclude everyone else. Yes i do have an in built anger at some people but only because i was born into it and they have been a bit unfair and taken our heratige away from us. Its jsut we are such a nice country of people that we rather invite people inside for a cup of tea and some cake instead of going out and fighting. Is that so bad?
And so because of this some Welsh people dont take kindly to english speakers because of the way they treated us. But my opinion is that we are jsut as bad as tehm if we treat them badly. we cant go down to their level. So what i want is that both sides make a little exception to each other. For example if someone went and lived in a country that has its own language you would try to learn at least a little of their language wouldnt you? thats why we have Spanish and Frensh lessons isnt it? So putting this into account, that us welsh have our own country and language wouldnt you at least TRY and learn something of that language if you plan to live there for a while? even if it is can i have or thank you. Don't you think thats fair?
Some of us like me can talk fluent english even though it is my second language i have been speaking Welsh AND English since i was about 5. I am now doing a creative writing course in english!
We can keep our language and history without bloodshed or angry words.
Sorry about that rant!
4)Moving swiftly on....I love animals!!! i would have loads of them if i was permitted or if they werent exctincd or would kill me without a second glance! My favourite is the big cat family! =^.^= I would settle for a cat though!
5)I am over critical of my own work!! I cant help it, even if i do quite like what ive written i still say it isnt good enough. i think this stems from being the quiet avarage one at the back of the class and all my friends got As and A*s and there was me having Bs and Cs. Even my school didnt think i could get into University - i didnt get to stay for the weekend in one of the weekend trips. well F**k you, look where i am now Frickers!! But when ALL my mates went on that bus a little bit inside me died that day....
6) If i am ill or sad i need sympathy. I need a hug when i am ill.
7) i dont like my own company. i prefer to be with someone so then i can be bored with them. yes sometimes i do like my random day to myself but then it gets a bit boring after a few hours. I think too much of stupid things when i am by meself for too long.
8) I love just sitting in my pajamas or comfy clothes with a blanket watching a dvd or reading a book with either a glass of wine or a great panad (cup of tea) with my boyfriend. That is what heaven is, if it excists.
9)I wish i could draw!! i really do! Wel i can draw but only very very badly. i tried to teach msyelf when i was younger but it jsut didnt work and the pieces i made are locked in a very dark part of my brain and it will never come out coz it was that bad. Why do i want to be able to draw? well it stems from my stories, i would like to be able to draw their situations or their faces or the clothes that they wear, stuff like that to bring them alive.
And last but certainly not least...
10) I would love to be an actress! That is what i wanted to do for most part of my life but i didnt like most schools have drama at gcse level we had it in Alevel, it was the only reason i had gone to 6th form instead of 6th form college. but it was outside of the school and it was run by the welshiest people in the world and because i wasnt the dayghter of a parent in the comunity or was famous for being rich or had above an A in Welsh GCSE i got thrown out. The reason they gave was this.....I didnt know enough WELSH scriptwriters!!! HELLO!!!! its an ACTING school not a history of scriptwriters school!! Blydi arrogant Welsh twats who think their famous when no one knows about them outside of north wales! Assholes.....
ANd yes sorry got a bit carried away there....its a touchy subject! Anyways!
These are the people who should take part in this game or to jsut have a look at their blogs where they claim is better than anyone else when really they are just jelous of mine! hehe =^.^=
Thomas My wonderfull boyfriend that IS the bestest in the world so there!!
Big Tom The other great Tom in my life!
Charlie Coz she should start a blog so i can keep up with her life whilst i am in Uni!
Llinos Coz she should start a blog too so then i can see what she is doing whilst i am gone!
Brady because it would be interesting.
Niti She likes my writing!!!
Megan She likes my writing!!
Untill next time which i promise will be less than a week i think!
Cariad mawr =^.^=
This is the challange:
'This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog’s content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant.
Some rules of the Game:
a) Show off your honesty by thanking the person who gave you the award and link to their post.
b) List 10 honest things about yourself.
c) Select 7 other bloggers you think deserve this award and pass it on to them.
d) Notify said bloggers about the award and invite them to be the honest ones
So here goes, 10 most personal things about me that will hopefully let you learn more about me or you will probs already know about. I dont make a habit of noting down weird stuff that i do, i just do them and not think about if its wrong or anything until someone points this out to me and then i get self concious and dont do it anymore. so ill try and find something to write about =^.^=
These are of no certain importance theyre just listed as they come to me!
1)I worry too much! Well i say that but i dont think i worry, it more that i think to much and so leads me to the land of worryness and frustrates my boyfriend to no end. Its just my brain seems to like picking out little things and then makes them explode into every part of my brain so then i can not stop thinking about it. Like a few weeks ago i started feeling ill for no apparent reason - so then my brain started panicking saying that i could be pregnant, and so this lead to me convincing my brain that i cant BE pregnant because ive taken every single precausion to prevent that situation, i had to calm MYSELF down. It makes me sound like a scary scrazy woman but its my vast imagination that likes to blow things out of proportion.
2) I like to please everyone. Im a people pleaser! I want everyone to be happy and so if i think theres going to be an argument or no ones having a good time then i would do anything in my power to make it better for them. I dont like it when someone is sad or angry else i would either emphasise with them or try to make them laugh at their situation or talk to them about it. If there was less sad, angry or hurtful people out there then this world would be a marginally better one.
3)I am a first language welsh tiny person! i am proud as the next welsh person that i am welsh but not to the point where i exclude everyone else. Yes i do have an in built anger at some people but only because i was born into it and they have been a bit unfair and taken our heratige away from us. Its jsut we are such a nice country of people that we rather invite people inside for a cup of tea and some cake instead of going out and fighting. Is that so bad?
And so because of this some Welsh people dont take kindly to english speakers because of the way they treated us. But my opinion is that we are jsut as bad as tehm if we treat them badly. we cant go down to their level. So what i want is that both sides make a little exception to each other. For example if someone went and lived in a country that has its own language you would try to learn at least a little of their language wouldnt you? thats why we have Spanish and Frensh lessons isnt it? So putting this into account, that us welsh have our own country and language wouldnt you at least TRY and learn something of that language if you plan to live there for a while? even if it is can i have or thank you. Don't you think thats fair?
Some of us like me can talk fluent english even though it is my second language i have been speaking Welsh AND English since i was about 5. I am now doing a creative writing course in english!
We can keep our language and history without bloodshed or angry words.
Sorry about that rant!
4)Moving swiftly on....I love animals!!! i would have loads of them if i was permitted or if they werent exctincd or would kill me without a second glance! My favourite is the big cat family! =^.^= I would settle for a cat though!
5)I am over critical of my own work!! I cant help it, even if i do quite like what ive written i still say it isnt good enough. i think this stems from being the quiet avarage one at the back of the class and all my friends got As and A*s and there was me having Bs and Cs. Even my school didnt think i could get into University - i didnt get to stay for the weekend in one of the weekend trips. well F**k you, look where i am now Frickers!! But when ALL my mates went on that bus a little bit inside me died that day....
6) If i am ill or sad i need sympathy. I need a hug when i am ill.
7) i dont like my own company. i prefer to be with someone so then i can be bored with them. yes sometimes i do like my random day to myself but then it gets a bit boring after a few hours. I think too much of stupid things when i am by meself for too long.
8) I love just sitting in my pajamas or comfy clothes with a blanket watching a dvd or reading a book with either a glass of wine or a great panad (cup of tea) with my boyfriend. That is what heaven is, if it excists.
9)I wish i could draw!! i really do! Wel i can draw but only very very badly. i tried to teach msyelf when i was younger but it jsut didnt work and the pieces i made are locked in a very dark part of my brain and it will never come out coz it was that bad. Why do i want to be able to draw? well it stems from my stories, i would like to be able to draw their situations or their faces or the clothes that they wear, stuff like that to bring them alive.
And last but certainly not least...
10) I would love to be an actress! That is what i wanted to do for most part of my life but i didnt like most schools have drama at gcse level we had it in Alevel, it was the only reason i had gone to 6th form instead of 6th form college. but it was outside of the school and it was run by the welshiest people in the world and because i wasnt the dayghter of a parent in the comunity or was famous for being rich or had above an A in Welsh GCSE i got thrown out. The reason they gave was this.....I didnt know enough WELSH scriptwriters!!! HELLO!!!! its an ACTING school not a history of scriptwriters school!! Blydi arrogant Welsh twats who think their famous when no one knows about them outside of north wales! Assholes.....
ANd yes sorry got a bit carried away there....its a touchy subject! Anyways!
These are the people who should take part in this game or to jsut have a look at their blogs where they claim is better than anyone else when really they are just jelous of mine! hehe =^.^=
Thomas My wonderfull boyfriend that IS the bestest in the world so there!!
Big Tom The other great Tom in my life!
Charlie Coz she should start a blog so i can keep up with her life whilst i am in Uni!
Llinos Coz she should start a blog too so then i can see what she is doing whilst i am gone!
Brady because it would be interesting.
Niti She likes my writing!!!
Megan She likes my writing!!
Untill next time which i promise will be less than a week i think!
Cariad mawr =^.^=
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Hey i Wrote stuff today!
The following is copywrited by me so dont steals it otei!?!
This is the begining let me know what you think:
There is nothing but darkness ahead.
I see her clearly.
The dark surrounds her like a woeful blanket. She must be saved; nurtured and left to grow by herself. All life depends on her. Her very roots depend on her. Find her or we will never grow into our kingdom again, all will be for nothing if she does not survive.
The darkness must never touch her.
Protect her.
Teach her.
Do not forget she is the future.
So yes that like a pre chapter 1 thing. Ive written some of it but i dont want to show it just yet. Let me know! (Hint Ajax!!)
Anyways! sorry i havent been on in a while, i just havent got to it really. just been living i spose. I had a Brilliant birthday thanks to a lot of people and i thank you so much for everything!
I had an awsome time. And i got lots of presents! XD
Ive been on a manga frenzy recently. i am currently into three serieses, Chibi vampire-Alice in the Country of Hearts-Vampire knights!
The lovely HB Sauce let me borrow all of her Vampire Knights and i have devoured them! i read a volume in a night, space of an hourish maybe less! i am addicted!
I was appauled when i heard that china and japan are banning manga online!! but i found a webby that i can read them on, for the mean time anyways!
Jobs depress me a bit...they dont give people like me a chance. what i mean by people like me is, people that havent worked before (not out of choice and lack of trying coz i have and keep being let down, not because of my grades but because they cant be arsed to teach someone new to the game!) Meh.
I will leave you for now with a very cute picture!
The following is copywrited by me so dont steals it otei!?!
This is the begining let me know what you think:
There is nothing but darkness ahead.
I see her clearly.
The dark surrounds her like a woeful blanket. She must be saved; nurtured and left to grow by herself. All life depends on her. Her very roots depend on her. Find her or we will never grow into our kingdom again, all will be for nothing if she does not survive.
The darkness must never touch her.
Protect her.
Teach her.
Do not forget she is the future.
So yes that like a pre chapter 1 thing. Ive written some of it but i dont want to show it just yet. Let me know! (Hint Ajax!!)
Anyways! sorry i havent been on in a while, i just havent got to it really. just been living i spose. I had a Brilliant birthday thanks to a lot of people and i thank you so much for everything!
I had an awsome time. And i got lots of presents! XD
Ive been on a manga frenzy recently. i am currently into three serieses, Chibi vampire-Alice in the Country of Hearts-Vampire knights!
The lovely HB Sauce let me borrow all of her Vampire Knights and i have devoured them! i read a volume in a night, space of an hourish maybe less! i am addicted!
I was appauled when i heard that china and japan are banning manga online!! but i found a webby that i can read them on, for the mean time anyways!
Jobs depress me a bit...they dont give people like me a chance. what i mean by people like me is, people that havent worked before (not out of choice and lack of trying coz i have and keep being let down, not because of my grades but because they cant be arsed to teach someone new to the game!) Meh.
I will leave you for now with a very cute picture!

Thursday, 29 July 2010
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Birthday ramblings and other stories
Heylla! (a combo of hello/hey/heya)
So yes it is the day before the date of my birth. For people who don't know what a birthday is and what all the hype about a particular day of the year(like Aliens or imaginary people), It is a celebration of your birth,basically, on the date of your birth comes up every year you age one year. Now you would expect something happening on that day like you sprout a couple of inches or your hair changes colour but its nothing like that, you might have a new hangover the day after but that's beside the point. So yes anyway in my case i was born on the 16 of July in the year 1990. Now if my maths is correct tomorrow i would have been on this Earth for 20 full years!
Yes people i will be 20. i certainly don't feel like this age but it might change tomorrow but it probably wont i would still feel like practically a child! well a very busty and independent child....hehe. i still look like I'm about 15 though, perhaps a bit older if i have loads of make up on and I'm all dressed up but nonetheless i still get ID'ed EVERYWHERE! even in bloody tescos (there are other good supermarkets out there but this is the one we use....) i get ID'ed for a 12 DVD!!! what am i gonna do with it? Overdose on cartoons?!?!
Anyways so I'm gonna be the tender age of 20 tomorrow and i shall be TAGs cougar (apparently) but only by about a month! And he shall be my Toyboy....hehe :p *wink wink* funi!
Ive been tormented by the massive bag of presents on the top of my wardrobe for about a week (i cant reach it so i cant even peek in!! its not fair! hehe but yes it would ruin tomorrow). I'm like a child with presents, i cant wait to open something someones lovingly bought and wrapped for me! its nice way of saying i like you so here's a present to show it-even if its a tiny little thing it doesn't matter coz its the thought! XD So ye i do love my birthday and Xmas (and now valentines hehe :p)
i even love opening cards!! i am so sad hahaha!
As well i cant wait to read the lovely poem that Ajax (Hi Ajax!) has written for me! XD
So tomorrow me and the lovely spoiling boyfriend of mine are going to see the AWSOME looking Inception at the cinema with Leo DiCaprio and the lovely Ellen Page and the AWSOME Joseph Gordon-Levitt! XD Cant wait, it looks really cool and interesting! Ill do a review on it maybe, possibly depends how many presents i get from Tom to entertain me! hehe :p
So yes then in the night were going out for dinner with mam and Ian and my brother i think. I've chosen to go to a Greek style restaurant in the local town for a change. i Love this Italian there but we've been lots so i wanted to go somewhere different. So were gonna go there!
Then on the Saturday i persuaded my mum to have a tiny party buffet type thing in the night coz my aunt and cousin are down for the weekend. So I've invited a few friends coz i couldn't invite everyone coz mum didn't want a full house which it would be anyway but it will be nice!
So ye ill tell you how everything went and stuff !
Have a nice weekend!
So yes it is the day before the date of my birth. For people who don't know what a birthday is and what all the hype about a particular day of the year(like Aliens or imaginary people), It is a celebration of your birth,basically, on the date of your birth comes up every year you age one year. Now you would expect something happening on that day like you sprout a couple of inches or your hair changes colour but its nothing like that, you might have a new hangover the day after but that's beside the point. So yes anyway in my case i was born on the 16 of July in the year 1990. Now if my maths is correct tomorrow i would have been on this Earth for 20 full years!
Yes people i will be 20. i certainly don't feel like this age but it might change tomorrow but it probably wont i would still feel like practically a child! well a very busty and independent child....hehe. i still look like I'm about 15 though, perhaps a bit older if i have loads of make up on and I'm all dressed up but nonetheless i still get ID'ed EVERYWHERE! even in bloody tescos (there are other good supermarkets out there but this is the one we use....) i get ID'ed for a 12 DVD!!! what am i gonna do with it? Overdose on cartoons?!?!
Anyways so I'm gonna be the tender age of 20 tomorrow and i shall be TAGs cougar (apparently) but only by about a month! And he shall be my Toyboy....hehe :p *wink wink* funi!
Ive been tormented by the massive bag of presents on the top of my wardrobe for about a week (i cant reach it so i cant even peek in!! its not fair! hehe but yes it would ruin tomorrow). I'm like a child with presents, i cant wait to open something someones lovingly bought and wrapped for me! its nice way of saying i like you so here's a present to show it-even if its a tiny little thing it doesn't matter coz its the thought! XD So ye i do love my birthday and Xmas (and now valentines hehe :p)
i even love opening cards!! i am so sad hahaha!
As well i cant wait to read the lovely poem that Ajax (Hi Ajax!) has written for me! XD
So tomorrow me and the lovely spoiling boyfriend of mine are going to see the AWSOME looking Inception at the cinema with Leo DiCaprio and the lovely Ellen Page and the AWSOME Joseph Gordon-Levitt! XD Cant wait, it looks really cool and interesting! Ill do a review on it maybe, possibly depends how many presents i get from Tom to entertain me! hehe :p
So yes then in the night were going out for dinner with mam and Ian and my brother i think. I've chosen to go to a Greek style restaurant in the local town for a change. i Love this Italian there but we've been lots so i wanted to go somewhere different. So were gonna go there!
Then on the Saturday i persuaded my mum to have a tiny party buffet type thing in the night coz my aunt and cousin are down for the weekend. So I've invited a few friends coz i couldn't invite everyone coz mum didn't want a full house which it would be anyway but it will be nice!
So ye ill tell you how everything went and stuff !
Have a nice weekend!
Friday, 9 July 2010
A reminder!
By the way, just incase you forgot! XD
By the way, just incase you forgot! XD
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
I hate my laptop and other rants!
These last few days have been weird and a bit lost to me. The fact of the matter is that if i am alone and have nothing really to do in the day then i hate it. i end up sitting in front of the laptop or TV either trying to write or looking at the re run of come dine with me that Ive watched about a thousand times before then!
I go insane by myself-i don't like my own company, i mean i thrive better when I'm with someone so then at least youre not being bored by yourself you have someone there to share in the boredom and something mite happen when you re with someone. I'm a people person!
So yea before TAG left i was looking forward to see all my friends and have some me time but then when it actually came to that week, its kinda like nothing is going right for me.yesterday was great after about two ish when charlie came over then at about 8 me llinos and charlie went to fair Llan - which is usually a good fair in our little village, we've been going every year since we were practically born so its kind of a tradition.
But sadly because of the weather it was a bit of a disappointment.(it was raining). so me and charlie went on the waltzers once and then bought candy floss and we all went for a nostalgia tour.
We decided to go on a walk to our old primary school and around there and we just hung out as the rain fell on our hair and coordinating hoodies. we had a good time as the memories came flooding back to us!
Afterwards we decided to go and have a panad (cup of tea) at charlie's house! where we talked again for ages until about 10.30pm actually. it was great i had fun!
But we were going to go out with some of our other friends today for lunch but llinos and charlie couldn't do it so Ive been left at my house with the TV again. Plus mum is ill so she was home but i couldn't really do anything as she was groggy all day. i feel hopeless when shes ill coz thers nothing you can rili do. Plus she went to the doctors yesterday about this pain in her side and we think she might have a cyst i dunno how you spell it but its on her ovaries so I'm worrying a bit < as always sorry TAG.
I don't feel that well myself today either. i think its coz I'm rili fed up with things and a bit sad and all over the place. i just don't know what to do coz I'm trying to sort out stuff for me and my friends to do but people change plans at the last minute and cant do stuff. its like i try and try when i can do something but its really hard.
At least I've passed my second year!! it seems I'm just on the cusp of having a 2.2 or a 2.1 and i want to get a good 2.1 next year so i want something to go right for me in the academic world for once. coz it never does for me, i love it that i got such good marks for my writing but then that compared to people doing like biology or the 'cleverer' courses its like I'm not clever enough to be in the same realm as them. its like because I'm not doing something like that then i will have a hard time getting work! whatever happened to doing something you love eh!?!?
If people are being so negative in the work aspect then this country really is screwed up! why cant people just be positive and not just think of the job at the end, just think if you will be happy or not! you don't want to spend years on something that you absolutely hate will you?! i don't like it at all! its annoying and i wish people would stop asking me what I'm gonna do after Uni coz i don't know yet! nobody knows what is going to happen so don't jinks something or try to predict the future. I don't think like that, i think about the right now and what i want now!
And it doesnt help that my laptop just goes and overheats whilst i try to watch something or play on sims or whatever. i hate it!! its only 2 years of age for gods sake!!
My God Ive ranted so much and I'm sorry if this is really boring you i just wanted to get that out!
Its my Birthday in a week and two days!!!! TAG had better not have spent too much on himself than on me today! Not when its his birthday next month and mine only a week away!
So yeah i hope you guys are having a better few days than i am!
Bye Bye xoxox
These last few days have been weird and a bit lost to me. The fact of the matter is that if i am alone and have nothing really to do in the day then i hate it. i end up sitting in front of the laptop or TV either trying to write or looking at the re run of come dine with me that Ive watched about a thousand times before then!
I go insane by myself-i don't like my own company, i mean i thrive better when I'm with someone so then at least youre not being bored by yourself you have someone there to share in the boredom and something mite happen when you re with someone. I'm a people person!
So yea before TAG left i was looking forward to see all my friends and have some me time but then when it actually came to that week, its kinda like nothing is going right for me.yesterday was great after about two ish when charlie came over then at about 8 me llinos and charlie went to fair Llan - which is usually a good fair in our little village, we've been going every year since we were practically born so its kind of a tradition.
But sadly because of the weather it was a bit of a disappointment.(it was raining). so me and charlie went on the waltzers once and then bought candy floss and we all went for a nostalgia tour.
We decided to go on a walk to our old primary school and around there and we just hung out as the rain fell on our hair and coordinating hoodies. we had a good time as the memories came flooding back to us!
Afterwards we decided to go and have a panad (cup of tea) at charlie's house! where we talked again for ages until about 10.30pm actually. it was great i had fun!
But we were going to go out with some of our other friends today for lunch but llinos and charlie couldn't do it so Ive been left at my house with the TV again. Plus mum is ill so she was home but i couldn't really do anything as she was groggy all day. i feel hopeless when shes ill coz thers nothing you can rili do. Plus she went to the doctors yesterday about this pain in her side and we think she might have a cyst i dunno how you spell it but its on her ovaries so I'm worrying a bit < as always sorry TAG.
I don't feel that well myself today either. i think its coz I'm rili fed up with things and a bit sad and all over the place. i just don't know what to do coz I'm trying to sort out stuff for me and my friends to do but people change plans at the last minute and cant do stuff. its like i try and try when i can do something but its really hard.
At least I've passed my second year!! it seems I'm just on the cusp of having a 2.2 or a 2.1 and i want to get a good 2.1 next year so i want something to go right for me in the academic world for once. coz it never does for me, i love it that i got such good marks for my writing but then that compared to people doing like biology or the 'cleverer' courses its like I'm not clever enough to be in the same realm as them. its like because I'm not doing something like that then i will have a hard time getting work! whatever happened to doing something you love eh!?!?
If people are being so negative in the work aspect then this country really is screwed up! why cant people just be positive and not just think of the job at the end, just think if you will be happy or not! you don't want to spend years on something that you absolutely hate will you?! i don't like it at all! its annoying and i wish people would stop asking me what I'm gonna do after Uni coz i don't know yet! nobody knows what is going to happen so don't jinks something or try to predict the future. I don't think like that, i think about the right now and what i want now!
And it doesnt help that my laptop just goes and overheats whilst i try to watch something or play on sims or whatever. i hate it!! its only 2 years of age for gods sake!!
My God Ive ranted so much and I'm sorry if this is really boring you i just wanted to get that out!
Its my Birthday in a week and two days!!!! TAG had better not have spent too much on himself than on me today! Not when its his birthday next month and mine only a week away!
So yeah i hope you guys are having a better few days than i am!
Bye Bye xoxox
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Oily breasts and a bit of soup, delightful manga and a mac book pro!
Hello there!!
So sorry i havent written in a while, it seems to be a habit coming! Bad Elena!! Anyway i do have good excuses and its been a very very busy weeks but onwards and upwards, sideways and horizontalways!
So yes Oily breasts (calm down Ajax!) (hehe! XD). On the way from the lovely town of Shrewsbury where thers wonderfully, gorjus, magnificent houses and cottages filled with driveways covering these beautyful houses we went to Ross-on-wye (another gorjus place). obviously being the amazing writers we are we went to a book shop called Rossiter books (cheques in the post please!) and we found an amazing cook book called: The ultimate WAGAMAMMAS cook book!!! I know how awsome is that!? So we decided to buy it.
I had had an idea since like ages to do a blog or video blog of me or me and tag going through a cook book and trying these dishes and so i thought that this book would be great because we love wagamammas and it would be fun too!
It was aswell! the video will be posted on youtube as soon as Tag edits it on his new MAC BOOK PRO people!! yes he has finally got it! and its all new and shiny and cool.....i want one now.....but then again it wouldnt be purple.....it wouldnt overheat though....grrrr.....i would probably be able to play sims too....money....hmm.....but i have figured out why my laptop keeps overheating and you know why it is?! coz thers probably dust in the fan so tom is going to open it up for me and sort it out! Hopefully! PLEASE let it work!
Plus Tag got a new and improved ipod touch so i get the old one! yey! Now i can have apps to play with all to myself! XD
So yes anyways the video will be posted on My Site or TAG's Site and it will feature me and him attempting to cook our first dish which is Chicken Ramen! XD It was very nice too!
So yes we went to places and found an AWSOME comic book store in Shrews and it was just awsome awsomeness! i got manga! yes peeps i wanted to broaden my horizons and i wanted something different so i got one called Chibi Vampire!

Its awsome! I finished it in a day! and then i got Fruits basket which im still reading and its okay i suppose but not as good. I think its too girly girly for me - i like the prospect of it but i dunno it hasnt gripped me like Chibi Vampire did. neva mind ill stick with it though!
So yes its one of my best friends birthday on saturday! YAY! so were coming up for that and then i dunno coz then its my birthday!! hint hint! remember its on the 16th of July and it will be a glorious day! possibly maybe....! YAY! ITS MY BIRTHDAY SOON!! i love my birthday even though im going to be 20! waw thats scary! me? a person that still looks like shes about thirteen okay possibly a 15 year old now but still!
Anyway back to charlies birthday! its gonna be on the beach so im excited for that and shes invited TAG seeing as their friends and he has been accepted haha so yea i hope she has an amazing day as she deserves it! XD (Hi Ajax hint hint!)
DOCTOR WHO!!!!! OH EM GEE!!! bloody amazing! truly teh best TV show ever!!! XD I do miss the tennant as the doctor though but well done to mister Matt smith brilliant!! I be looking forward to the xmas special! XD
I'll let you know when the vids are up!
ta ta for now!
So sorry i havent written in a while, it seems to be a habit coming! Bad Elena!! Anyway i do have good excuses and its been a very very busy weeks but onwards and upwards, sideways and horizontalways!
So yes Oily breasts (calm down Ajax!) (hehe! XD). On the way from the lovely town of Shrewsbury where thers wonderfully, gorjus, magnificent houses and cottages filled with driveways covering these beautyful houses we went to Ross-on-wye (another gorjus place). obviously being the amazing writers we are we went to a book shop called Rossiter books (cheques in the post please!) and we found an amazing cook book called: The ultimate WAGAMAMMAS cook book!!! I know how awsome is that!? So we decided to buy it.
I had had an idea since like ages to do a blog or video blog of me or me and tag going through a cook book and trying these dishes and so i thought that this book would be great because we love wagamammas and it would be fun too!
It was aswell! the video will be posted on youtube as soon as Tag edits it on his new MAC BOOK PRO people!! yes he has finally got it! and its all new and shiny and cool.....i want one now.....but then again it wouldnt be purple.....it wouldnt overheat though....grrrr.....i would probably be able to play sims too....money....hmm.....but i have figured out why my laptop keeps overheating and you know why it is?! coz thers probably dust in the fan so tom is going to open it up for me and sort it out! Hopefully! PLEASE let it work!
Plus Tag got a new and improved ipod touch so i get the old one! yey! Now i can have apps to play with all to myself! XD
So yes anyways the video will be posted on My Site or TAG's Site and it will feature me and him attempting to cook our first dish which is Chicken Ramen! XD It was very nice too!
So yes we went to places and found an AWSOME comic book store in Shrews and it was just awsome awsomeness! i got manga! yes peeps i wanted to broaden my horizons and i wanted something different so i got one called Chibi Vampire!

Its awsome! I finished it in a day! and then i got Fruits basket which im still reading and its okay i suppose but not as good. I think its too girly girly for me - i like the prospect of it but i dunno it hasnt gripped me like Chibi Vampire did. neva mind ill stick with it though!
So yes its one of my best friends birthday on saturday! YAY! so were coming up for that and then i dunno coz then its my birthday!! hint hint! remember its on the 16th of July and it will be a glorious day! possibly maybe....! YAY! ITS MY BIRTHDAY SOON!! i love my birthday even though im going to be 20! waw thats scary! me? a person that still looks like shes about thirteen okay possibly a 15 year old now but still!
Anyway back to charlies birthday! its gonna be on the beach so im excited for that and shes invited TAG seeing as their friends and he has been accepted haha so yea i hope she has an amazing day as she deserves it! XD (Hi Ajax hint hint!)
DOCTOR WHO!!!!! OH EM GEE!!! bloody amazing! truly teh best TV show ever!!! XD I do miss the tennant as the doctor though but well done to mister Matt smith brilliant!! I be looking forward to the xmas special! XD
I'll let you know when the vids are up!
ta ta for now!
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Hey sorry i havent written in a while. a lot has been happening!
Sad news and a lot of moving things from one side of the country to the next and from the car to the flat and it was all so tireing and sweaty and hot and stressful coz of all the crap we had.
But finally we are in our new flat! XD
Weve had our first night where we had loads of chinese food with a glass of wine and watched Julie and Julia. which was a brill film! i really liked it and not because of the fact that Julie and her husband basically resembles me and Tag (as the guy quoted Douglas Adams and the woman cant finish stuff and worries). it was a joy to watch!
It made me want to do the same even more, i want to get a cook book then make the recipies and then either do a video blog or write on this! I like to cook-its great when that someone eats what youve created and they love it XD
Today, the first day in our flat, we had a Lost fest. as i have only seen season 1 and Tag is such a big fan and has all the dvds Tag decided to educate me in the Lost world. As i watched it i could remember some bits and remember when i had watched it before when it aired on tv before i was wrenched from the Sky tv when my mum and dad split up.....sad sad i know but there we are! I turned out fine.....ish!
So that was great fun but we did stop to make food - pasta (of course!) with sausage and tomato and chilli and garlic sauce (yum) - and that was lovely as we cried with laughter at the people falling over on total wipeout. The we watched the greatness that is Doctor Who.
that is all on that i think.....
Oh ie Haia Llinos!!!! gobeithio t n darllan! Caru chdi lots a lots a lots! ( if anyone else is reading this and want to have a mention just ask XD) lols
I really like being in the flat! XD
Sad news and a lot of moving things from one side of the country to the next and from the car to the flat and it was all so tireing and sweaty and hot and stressful coz of all the crap we had.
But finally we are in our new flat! XD
Weve had our first night where we had loads of chinese food with a glass of wine and watched Julie and Julia. which was a brill film! i really liked it and not because of the fact that Julie and her husband basically resembles me and Tag (as the guy quoted Douglas Adams and the woman cant finish stuff and worries). it was a joy to watch!
It made me want to do the same even more, i want to get a cook book then make the recipies and then either do a video blog or write on this! I like to cook-its great when that someone eats what youve created and they love it XD
Today, the first day in our flat, we had a Lost fest. as i have only seen season 1 and Tag is such a big fan and has all the dvds Tag decided to educate me in the Lost world. As i watched it i could remember some bits and remember when i had watched it before when it aired on tv before i was wrenched from the Sky tv when my mum and dad split up.....sad sad i know but there we are! I turned out fine.....ish!
So that was great fun but we did stop to make food - pasta (of course!) with sausage and tomato and chilli and garlic sauce (yum) - and that was lovely as we cried with laughter at the people falling over on total wipeout. The we watched the greatness that is Doctor Who.
that is all on that i think.....
Oh ie Haia Llinos!!!! gobeithio t n darllan! Caru chdi lots a lots a lots! ( if anyone else is reading this and want to have a mention just ask XD) lols
I really like being in the flat! XD
Friday, 11 June 2010
Heliw fellow bloggers!
How are you?
I am currently very happy because of a lot of things really.
Number 1: i got really good marks on my writing! i am so proud of myself for getting such high marks and that the marks i lost were only small picky things. I am on the way to a first! haha i dunno, i think I'm getting more confident in my writing now though. i need to sit and think and just write and write down some more ideas down just to have a look at. Also do something different. i want to start to practice writing short stories so that ill be able to do lots for next years course-i might actually get a story in then!
Number 2: I still cant believe me and tag are getting a flat together-i know its only for the summer like i said before but its like a trial run sort of thing hahaha! i dunno I'm just really looking forward to waking up to him and us just being somewhere together and be able to just lounge about without someone else being there too. it'l just be us! TV fests here we come!
Number 3: Finally just coz i am lucky to have someone like Tom-he puts up with so much and he loves me for who i am, that's all a girl could ask for! *sop story over sorry*
Number 4: Chinese food is goooooooooooooooooooooooood! XD
Thought I'd just throw that in there!
Most of the flat are breaking up for the summer tomorrow so itl only be us couples in the flat for another week before we disappear ourselves. Itl be weird leaving here after we've lived here for about a year ish. We've got loads of memories here and it will be sad having to leave it and go into another flat next year. We should be allowed to keep our flats-it isn't fair to be honest.
i am glad they were and people weren't just being nice either (i checked!) i want to make better ones next time. Also i cant wait to get to the flat so me and tom can go through this 200 pasta recipes book and cook the ones we want! i love to experiment with cooking - its more fun with someone else though!

I really Wish Tom would get his mac right now, its really irritating him that he cant really edit. he might come round if i just nudge him a bit more (hint,hint!) he would be so much happier!
Okay sorry Big Tom for not being arsed to think of a question but here it is a new question for you!
If you had two tickets to go into space and land on the moon or mars or wherever, who and what would you take with you and why?
That is all from me and from me a goodnight!
Much loves to you all <3>
How are you?
I am currently very happy because of a lot of things really.
Number 1: i got really good marks on my writing! i am so proud of myself for getting such high marks and that the marks i lost were only small picky things. I am on the way to a first! haha i dunno, i think I'm getting more confident in my writing now though. i need to sit and think and just write and write down some more ideas down just to have a look at. Also do something different. i want to start to practice writing short stories so that ill be able to do lots for next years course-i might actually get a story in then!
Number 2: I still cant believe me and tag are getting a flat together-i know its only for the summer like i said before but its like a trial run sort of thing hahaha! i dunno I'm just really looking forward to waking up to him and us just being somewhere together and be able to just lounge about without someone else being there too. it'l just be us! TV fests here we come!
Number 3: Finally just coz i am lucky to have someone like Tom-he puts up with so much and he loves me for who i am, that's all a girl could ask for! *sop story over sorry*
Number 4: Chinese food is goooooooooooooooooooooooood! XD
Thought I'd just throw that in there!
Most of the flat are breaking up for the summer tomorrow so itl only be us couples in the flat for another week before we disappear ourselves. Itl be weird leaving here after we've lived here for about a year ish. We've got loads of memories here and it will be sad having to leave it and go into another flat next year. We should be allowed to keep our flats-it isn't fair to be honest.
i am glad they were and people weren't just being nice either (i checked!) i want to make better ones next time. Also i cant wait to get to the flat so me and tom can go through this 200 pasta recipes book and cook the ones we want! i love to experiment with cooking - its more fun with someone else though!
I really Wish Tom would get his mac right now, its really irritating him that he cant really edit. he might come round if i just nudge him a bit more (hint,hint!) he would be so much happier!
Okay sorry Big Tom for not being arsed to think of a question but here it is a new question for you!
If you had two tickets to go into space and land on the moon or mars or wherever, who and what would you take with you and why?
That is all from me and from me a goodnight!
Much loves to you all <3>

Thursday, 10 June 2010
Uni marks are in and i am happy!
I am so incredibly happy about my marks for my creative writing! it is either 67 or 68 im not that sure but still they are brilliant marks!
i have never had such brilliant marks before - i was always the avarage one and so you can see why i am so happy! XD
I made some for the first time yesterday and they turned out brilliantly-i shall put pics up soon.
But people seemed to like them so i will make another attempt and make them even bigger and better so watch this space!!
YAY! this is a good day!
p.s i was going to say to Big Toms question about what fruit-that it was a bit too late for me to be a cherry so that was out of the window any way i am glad he said a new question.
Which celeb would play me in a film about my life? hmm God knows - it would haveto be someone tiny maybe Emma Roberts? or someone else im not really sure but all i can say is good luck to them (and the person to play Tom would deffo be either Adam Brody or Joseph Gordon-levitt or someone like that!). Who would be you?
i have never had such brilliant marks before - i was always the avarage one and so you can see why i am so happy! XD
I made some for the first time yesterday and they turned out brilliantly-i shall put pics up soon.
But people seemed to like them so i will make another attempt and make them even bigger and better so watch this space!!
YAY! this is a good day!
p.s i was going to say to Big Toms question about what fruit-that it was a bit too late for me to be a cherry so that was out of the window any way i am glad he said a new question.
Which celeb would play me in a film about my life? hmm God knows - it would haveto be someone tiny maybe Emma Roberts? or someone else im not really sure but all i can say is good luck to them (and the person to play Tom would deffo be either Adam Brody or Joseph Gordon-levitt or someone like that!). Who would be you?
Monday, 7 June 2010
What super power?
After Big Tom put that question out there i thought i would reply.
I dont really know what kind of super power i want. id want loads of different ones.
1.psychic ability
5.command the elements
6.read minds
i kind of like that idea of us all born with a superpower - itd be great. thing is it would be a super special power then would it?it would be just common knowledge and it would cause so much trouble i guess.
The question i have for you is, if you had a constant companion (like in Philip pullman's His Dark Materials - the deamons that your born with that have to be the oppasite gender than you) What kind of animal would you have and what would be its name?
I dont really know what kind of super power i want. id want loads of different ones.
1.psychic ability
5.command the elements
6.read minds
i kind of like that idea of us all born with a superpower - itd be great. thing is it would be a super special power then would it?it would be just common knowledge and it would cause so much trouble i guess.
The question i have for you is, if you had a constant companion (like in Philip pullman's His Dark Materials - the deamons that your born with that have to be the oppasite gender than you) What kind of animal would you have and what would be its name?
A Flat!!!!!
ME and the lovely little Tom are getting a flat!! A flat!!! i mean i know its for the summer but hey cant a girl get a little bit excited about little things?
we went to see it this weekend and we were shocked at how huge and brilliant it was! we get it from his nan for only £30 a week that's £15 of your English pounds each a week for us! how awesome is that?!
Now i am happy, wouldn't you be happy too? but i was quite put down by some of my friends from home, they were accusing me of not seeing them in the summer if i have a flat down here!! cant they just be happy that i am happy for once and that i have a life outside of them and its not that i don't want to go and see them, i do of course i do, but its a bit of a disappointment that their thinking of themselves and not like saying congrats or watever. Its always about them!
The only reason were getting this flat is that we can have a place in the summer just to ourselves. After being in Uni you kinda get used to just doing what you want to do and having no one to tell you No but then in the summer you go back to that and you feel lost and irritated, so people get on your nerves when you just want to do your own thing. And Tags mum irritates him thus irritates me coz hes moody so its not the best place to be.
I just want a place where i can wake up with him next to me and walk around in pants or whatever and not have to think if his mum is in and feeling like Ive go to look ok. there's nothing of my own there so i don't feel at home in a way. Also so that me and him can slob out in the living room watching shit on the TV with a glass of wine and be able to relax. Without tag having to rush out of bed in the morning because his mum tells him he has loads of chores to do.
Rant over.......
I got Sims 3 Ambitions!!!!!!!!!!!!! The special Edition too!
To be able to do Laundry has never excited me more than now! they have washing machines and dryers and they can hang the clothes on the clothes line!! OH EM GEE!!!
If only my laptop will stop over heating after about an hour of playing it!
the only question i have at this moment is why do i feel guilty for wanting to move on and do what i want to do?
hmmmm ponder ponder!
we went to see it this weekend and we were shocked at how huge and brilliant it was! we get it from his nan for only £30 a week that's £15 of your English pounds each a week for us! how awesome is that?!
Now i am happy, wouldn't you be happy too? but i was quite put down by some of my friends from home, they were accusing me of not seeing them in the summer if i have a flat down here!! cant they just be happy that i am happy for once and that i have a life outside of them and its not that i don't want to go and see them, i do of course i do, but its a bit of a disappointment that their thinking of themselves and not like saying congrats or watever. Its always about them!
The only reason were getting this flat is that we can have a place in the summer just to ourselves. After being in Uni you kinda get used to just doing what you want to do and having no one to tell you No but then in the summer you go back to that and you feel lost and irritated, so people get on your nerves when you just want to do your own thing. And Tags mum irritates him thus irritates me coz hes moody so its not the best place to be.
I just want a place where i can wake up with him next to me and walk around in pants or whatever and not have to think if his mum is in and feeling like Ive go to look ok. there's nothing of my own there so i don't feel at home in a way. Also so that me and him can slob out in the living room watching shit on the TV with a glass of wine and be able to relax. Without tag having to rush out of bed in the morning because his mum tells him he has loads of chores to do.
Rant over.......
I got Sims 3 Ambitions!!!!!!!!!!!!! The special Edition too!
To be able to do Laundry has never excited me more than now! they have washing machines and dryers and they can hang the clothes on the clothes line!! OH EM GEE!!!
If only my laptop will stop over heating after about an hour of playing it!
the only question i have at this moment is why do i feel guilty for wanting to move on and do what i want to do?
hmmmm ponder ponder!
I Love Cherries!

As i said in the title i LOVE Cherries! i do! i think they are one of the best fruits out there, Don't you think? What's your take on Cherries? do you or do you not like them, that is the true question?
Apparently Big Tom does not like cherries neither does the little one.....weird (sorry but you are).
cherries, cherries, cherries, cherries, cherries!
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Ice Creams and doughnuts on a sunny day!

This is my day.
We were our usual bored selves this morning, wondering what we should do with our lives now that University has finished for another year. I love it when it is sunny! i'm like a flower i bloom when the sun is out-i want to be outside in it as we dont get much sun and so i was quite happy and glas that Tag blurted out over our sausage sandwitches - 'Let's go to get Ice creams!' - wich is a surprise in itself as he usually prefers to be inside and play xbox all day and then i have to tease him off it to go out somewhere when its nice and sunny!
I was a happy bunny!
unfotunatly i didnt anticipate how hot it was going to be. i was wearing a vest and an over shirt and skinny jeans with flip flops. it was quite hot but bearable, i would have prefered to wear my shorts though.
So we assembled the unusal small group of our flatmates and walked down to town. i wanted to go to New Look and to check out the new River Island. we spent quite a long time in New look-to the horror of the men- as i couldnt decide to get a lovely new yellow dress or not, Tag made me buy it and i got it for a £10 which isnt bad for New Look! XD
Then we finally went towards the ice cream- popped into Waterstones to show our eager 'we-want-to-work-here' faces and a few feet away from thorntons ice cream we stopped to get doughnuts!!! And then finally we got our ice creams-what we had set out to do in the first place but got side tracked a bit.
It was very very hot! I couldnt believe how hot it was!
I cant delete pictures on this and cant move them! aaaaaaaa! this is very annoying and very confusing!
We are now sitting in the front room trying to watch a film but theyre not that great!
Oh Hai, its you!
This is me! Just a small package of insanity
and Love!
and Love!

So yes this is my first blog! Wehey!
This blog will be a mix of my feelings and worries and random rants that happen through my life and then it will include how my writings are going and what i have been thinking of what to do next. I hope you will enjoy!
I think i needed a place to rant and talk to my self about stuff. Life isnt that easy as a student you know! hehe.
Times are hard at the moment. My boyfriend is going through a tough time with his family and then were trying to sort out what were going to do this summer. We cant go long without missing each other, a month without him is total hell and i think it is with him aswell. Both of us are getting nagged by our mothers to get a summer job but his mum seems to be going about it the wrong way. i mean my mum just says that it would be best but then his mum rings him just about everyday with suggestions that he wouldnt even consider and then she just gets way over the top with it and it makes him irritated and moody. And i hate that!!! it gets me irritated and moody and two people in a relationship being moody isnt good!
Shes such a great woman though, bless her shes got her heart in the right place-but she doesnt need to ring him everyday now, he is 19 and in Uni he can sort stuff out himself!
See told you i can rant!
something quite funny has happened recently too. My best friend, lets call her Chaplin, came over for a few days to visit me in Uni and we had a great time. but then after she left my flatmate ajax revealed to me that he had a 'Sexy' dream about her and that he had written a poem in his sleep. which is very weird in itself - who can write in their sleep? i mean i do pretty normal in a weird kind of way stuff in my sleep but not write! - but him dreaming of a friend that i have had since i was 5 was quite disturbing and funny at the same time. Bless him- i think he would be great with her but she has a twat of a boyfriend of three years so i dont think he could go there to be honest. Her boyfriend isnt in my good books at the moment though so i think it mite be just hopeful thinking lol!
I need to stop worrying about menial things-like that my boyfriend would find a better girlfriend that he like better than me or that i cant really do anything special. i need to find my niche in life-but i do think i just suit a life of looking after people or making people happy. i want quite simple things from life. I want to go travelling, to loads of places but its like everything is related to how much money you have and i dont have much.
But there we are, things will be good in the end!
What i can say is that me and TAG will deffinatly have a fluffy ginger cat called Doris in the future-That i am almost certain of! ;)
I think i needed a place to rant and talk to my self about stuff. Life isnt that easy as a student you know! hehe.
Times are hard at the moment. My boyfriend is going through a tough time with his family and then were trying to sort out what were going to do this summer. We cant go long without missing each other, a month without him is total hell and i think it is with him aswell. Both of us are getting nagged by our mothers to get a summer job but his mum seems to be going about it the wrong way. i mean my mum just says that it would be best but then his mum rings him just about everyday with suggestions that he wouldnt even consider and then she just gets way over the top with it and it makes him irritated and moody. And i hate that!!! it gets me irritated and moody and two people in a relationship being moody isnt good!
Shes such a great woman though, bless her shes got her heart in the right place-but she doesnt need to ring him everyday now, he is 19 and in Uni he can sort stuff out himself!
See told you i can rant!
something quite funny has happened recently too. My best friend, lets call her Chaplin, came over for a few days to visit me in Uni and we had a great time. but then after she left my flatmate ajax revealed to me that he had a 'Sexy' dream about her and that he had written a poem in his sleep. which is very weird in itself - who can write in their sleep? i mean i do pretty normal in a weird kind of way stuff in my sleep but not write! - but him dreaming of a friend that i have had since i was 5 was quite disturbing and funny at the same time. Bless him- i think he would be great with her but she has a twat of a boyfriend of three years so i dont think he could go there to be honest. Her boyfriend isnt in my good books at the moment though so i think it mite be just hopeful thinking lol!
I need to stop worrying about menial things-like that my boyfriend would find a better girlfriend that he like better than me or that i cant really do anything special. i need to find my niche in life-but i do think i just suit a life of looking after people or making people happy. i want quite simple things from life. I want to go travelling, to loads of places but its like everything is related to how much money you have and i dont have much.
But there we are, things will be good in the end!
What i can say is that me and TAG will deffinatly have a fluffy ginger cat called Doris in the future-That i am almost certain of! ;)
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